Sunday, April 18, 2010


I spent 4 days in Montevallo last week!!! I went to get to know some students and staff as well as find an apartment and learn more about the campus. Most of all God confirmed in my heart that this is where he is leading me and I am more at peace about this decision. With just 3000 students everyone that I met (I met a LOT of people) I kept running into so I really felt like I was able to connect well to many of the students. I was able to room with some girls from the soccer team. 2 of them were not believers and 1 of them (Erin) will be my future roommate. We were able to share the gospel with them together and the girls responded really well. They are even open to doing a 4 week investigative bible study with erin to investigate more about what it really means to be a Christian! I’m told that Montevallo has 30-40 students coming to the summer beach project this summer so you can be praying for that!

Thoughts on UM:

>Found a roommate and apartment all in one's all set to move in July!
>Small campus. I think this is a great fit for me. Everyone that I met I continually ran into. I really felt like I was able to build a lot of relationships and meet a lot of people in just a few days! I really like the campus.
>Community. Montevallo students are gamers...They love games as do I so as soon as the games started after the squaredance I fell more in love with the students! I also appreciated that they really brought others especially freshmen into their community. I really saw a lot of interaction with freshmen and others and was really impressed with this. It really seems like there is a team to labor with.
>Multiplication. I really liked that it seems like a sense of ownership is being passed on with the students there. Even in the first d group that some of the girls were in they were challenged to start praying about who they would lead and invest in in 6 months and then go out and evangelize and disciple! I saw some laborers and was challenged and encouraged....
>Lost. I got to room with 3 soccer girls. 1 will be my future roommate and the other 2 are not believers. I have so many fears about the personality climate of a new place and if I will be able to relate. I walked away from the weekend with 2 more friends and I got to share the gospel with them....One of them is going to do a test of true belief bible study with erin (my future roommate)....another freshmen girl rachel that erin and I met decided to come to SBP after one conversation we had....she signed up the next day! anyways it was like God saying to me you can do this! and trust me!
>Connecting with girls going to SBP....I got to connect with some freshmen girls going to SBP. I feel like I already am friends with them so I'm so much more excited to go!
>Laboring: I really felt like I gave my life away in the time that I was there. I really enjoyed doing ministry there that week and feel like God confirmed more in my heart that this decision was his leading, guiding, and directing. He is in control, loving, and faithful and if he wants it then I'm glad to see what he has in store.

> I definetly feel the weight of being at south and finishing well. This has been such a joy and I desire to and feel called finish well on campus here and with the girls I'm currently leading. I love them and am very sad to leave them.
>I just got back from birmingham for the third time this month. I was there for the weekend for SBP planning and the mobilization retreat for our juniors and seniors to prepare for walking with God and life after college. The driving and messed up routine is getting to be a bit much for me.
>I'm if anything going backwards with support raising now at 660 a month I need to raise. I'm trying to trust him of course!