Saturday, January 23, 2010

Prayer Requests

*The bible studies/discipleship groups-that students would grow in their relationship with God, knowledge of Him, and desire to labor in his kingdom.

*Our relationships with lost students. There are particularly two girls that I have had the opportunity to share the gospel with and am praying would come to know him. They are Erin and Emily.

*Me; I will be leading two of the groups. In some ways I wonder where I will have enough time. Please pray that I will be able to schedule well so that I don't get burnt out and overwhelmed.

*Our financial support. All of our staff including me have some monthly support to raise with a desire to be fully funded. I'm asking God for at least 4 new monthly partners in the next month! Please pray with me and let me know if you know of anyone who might enjoy this type of partnership and opportunity to invest.
Thanks so much for all you do I hope you are enjoying a start to the new year!!!!