Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Boot Camp

Hey everybody--this was from one of my first e-mail updates sent in August.

Well I just went to support raising boot camp this weekend and learned so much about how to be an effective support raiser. I met missionaries from all over the world and was so excited to hear about thier vision for fulfilling the Great Commision found in Matthew 28:19-20.

The best thing was just remembering the vision of what I wanted to do and be a part of in the first place. I truly believe that God uses Campus Outreach to change lives and the world and that is exciting to be a part of and an awesome opportunity for others to invest in!

I think my biggest struggle with support raising over the past months has been letting my circumstances guide my feelings. It is easy when things are hard to lose sight of God's promises and his truth. It has been so refreshing over the past few days to go back to the reason I am doing this---because Christ loved and died for me! I want others to experience this love as well.

Prayer Requests:

1. That he would provide at least 3 new supporters per week to join my team.
2. That through those I meet I would also learn of others that would like to be a part.
3. That those who invest in this ministry opportunity would be blessed and encouraged to know that they are a part of influencing others for Christ.

Thanks so much for praying with me! Love you guys!--Holly