Sunday, May 31, 2009

Support Status

I'm at 83%......So close!!!!! Just about $600 a month left to raise. Please continue to pray for this. I am beyond excited and getting more and more antzy/anxious to get on campus soon! I will be going down to the beach project(see video below to learn more about SBP) next week to spend time with students as well as working on finishing up support and getting the final decision on which campus I will be going too. God is such a big God and I have been amazed at how he has provided and is continuing to do so. Thanks so much for partnering with me!



Gentry said...

Your blog is wonderful. I am taking some classes this summer to learn how to use this technology with my students next year.
I am excited about your '85%'. God is good and sufficient.
Have a great summer. Thank you for the update.
In Christ, Gentry