Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thailand Team set to GO!

Campus Outreach Gulf Coast is sending students to Khon Kaen, Thailand for 2 months this summer to partner with Thai missionaries there! They will be spending time with Thai students, building relationships, and sharing the TRUTH!

This is the team! Students are from Troy University, Louisianna Layfayette, and Southeastern Louisianna Universities! They are excited to go! I'm specifically super excited about the 3 girls from Troy that are going; Amber, Lesley, and Amanda! I had the opportunity to disciple these girls my last year in Troy and it is exciting to see them still serving the Lord.

Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Luke 16:15

My friends Lacey and Jason have spent the last 4 months in Puerto Rico with the discover missionary program. Part of their experience involved a short term mission trip to Thailand with Mission to the World. They were able to minister in the slums and areas with high prostitution. A link to their blog is on the right if you want to read more. It's called "Following His Steps"

Here are some of their pics and facts about Thai culture!

96% of the people are Buddhist. Their main thought of religion is much like Hinduism in that you have to be good in this life. If you are you will be reincarnated into a higher status. The goal is to reach "enlightenment/nirvana." Buddha is considered one who reached this level and is recognized as a teacher. Spirit ism and animistic beliefs are mixed in with it as well. They do rituals in order to please the spirits and make offerings to idols as well. Most believe that "to be Thai is to be Buddhist." That means that to denounce your religion, you're denouncing your family and heritage.

These children's parents are raising them to be Buddhist and many have never heard the name of Jesus.

Prayer Request for the CCP (Cross Cultural Project to Thailand)
1. God would bless their fund raising to be at 100% by the time they leave in 2 weeks.
2. That God would grant them favor with the Thai people they meet. That they would desire to befriend the american students and even soften their hearts to the gospel throughout the summer.
3. That God would use this summer to transform the lives of students as well as those they minister to causing them to "count all things as loss compared to the surpassing joy of knowing God."